true shelf life
We support the food industry in reaching true shelf life through product analysis and dynamic indication technology
Unlocking shelf life from
both ends of the spectrum
Read more about the challenge we are helping to tackle and the three layered problem that we are focusing on
*Annualy in Europe
How do we prevent this from happening?
Scroll to find out how we are tackling this challenge

Shelf Life Analysis
Deep product analysis unlocking insights & shelf life
Through deep product analysis we are able to provide unique data and insights on the true shelf life helping producers, logistics partners and brand owners to optimize and utilize the full potential of the products and services.
Combining processes for a deeper analysis
This analysis process combines both Microbiological and Sensory testing of the products, in order to get a full ended understanding of the shelf life. We help you find the perfect balance between peak quality and minimised waste.
More cost & time efficient than sensory panel testing
The industry standard of analysis through sensory panels is a very expensive and time consuming process. Analysing with the help of microbial predictive modelling in combination with sensory testing allows for a cheaper and more time efficient process.
Longer shelf life you can send the product further
Less food waste without reducing quality. Perfectly balance quality and food waste.
Less consumer returning products

Dynamic Shelf Life Labelling
Changing the game from static to dynamic shelf life
As food degrades, spoilage bacteria follow a predictable growth curve, releasing gases as part of their metabolism. These gases enable bacterial level measurement in the food.
Innoscentia’s reactive ink forms the foundation of the label’s sensory capabilities. Once calibrated in line with gas development, the ink changes its properties in accordance with bacterial growth.
In-package sensor allows for real time status
This patentable technology is what allows us to create a sensor that, in real time, tells us the freshness of the product. The Bio-Sensor changes color based on the gas levels, indicating whether the product is safe to eat or not.

Connect to your consumer through our digital platform
Our scanning feature, allows customers to gain more information on the label as well as additional insigts on the product and producer. The usage of this mobile platform also allows for valuable data collection.
Swedish innovation co-financed by:
& Achievements
Impact Maker of the year 2022 is a startup award aimed at showcasing inspiring and innovative initiatives within the field of food. The award is a collaboration between “Vinnova” and “Livsmedel i Fokus” and was presented at ”Livsmedelsdagarna”.
The Postcode Lotteries Green Challenge is one of the largest competitions in the field of sustainable entrepreneurship. Innoscentia made it as a finalist in 2021.
Innoscentia secured 2nd place in SACCNY Deloitte Green Award, presented at the The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce’s event Sustainology in 2019.
The Global Innovation Award was presented at the EAT FORUM and is a collaboration between Medicon Village and EAT Foundation, and was awarded to Innoscentia in 2016.
Contact us for questions and collaborations. We value your opinions and believe in open dialogue. Whether you're a researcher, supplier, or passionate about food safety, reach out to us. Let's work together for a better future in food quality monitoring.
+46 721-744479